This article explains how to resolve the Android 10 clipboard issue in scrcpy by utilizing Riru’s Clipboard Whitelist module and incorporating the ‘-K’ flag with Python’s script, allowing compatibility with specific clipboard manager apps.
Magisk Module:
Riru - Clipboard Whitelist
will white list clipboard manager app.
1 2 scrcpy -K -S 2>&1 | python3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 import osimport subprocessimport reclass Response (object ):status = None data = None def parseResponse (resultString ):response = re.findall(r"^Broadcasting: Intent { flg=0x400000 cmp=ch.pete.adbclipboard/.ReadReceiver }\nBroadcast completed: result=-1, data=\"((.*\n?)+)\"$" ,resultString)[0 ][0 ] return responsedef readFromDevice ():adbProcess = subprocess.Popen( ['adb' , 'shell' , 'am' ,'broadcast' ,'-n' , 'ch.pete.adbclipboard/.ReadReceiver' ],stdout=subprocess.PIPE) resultString = adbProcess.communicate()[0 ] print ("read device response:\n{}" .format (resultString)) try :result = parseResponse(resultString.decode("utf-8" )) print ("raw:\n" ,resultString)print ("result:\n" ,result)return resultexcept :traceback.print_exc() return def setClipboard (data ):with open ("target.out" ,"w+" ,encoding="utf-8" ) as f:f.write(data) fetch_clipboard = "cat target.out | xclip -selection c" os.system(fetch_clipboard) while True :content = input () print ("CONTENT:" ,content)if "Calling uid 0 does not own package" in content:print ("!!!!!!!!!!ERROR FETCHING CLIPBOARD!!!!!!!!!!" )data = readFromDevice() if data is not None :setClipboard(data)