Metahuman Makehuman Blender Lipsync 动捕 视频转动画 人物模型 捏脸 Vroid模型 Vrm
This article delves into the world of MakeHuman, a popular software for model making. It covers various techniques and tools used in Blender to achieve lip sync and mocap effects. Additionally, it highlights several libraries useful for real-time human body tracking and VRM file import/export.
3d models, live2d models and model makers
makehuman as model maker
avatar sample e a cute girl
live2d models from facerig
blender adapters
blender vrm importer, exporter and utilities
blender script: vrm to ue4 compatible
blender’s ‘make it pretty’ button for vrm models
blender addon for rhubarb lip sync
BlendArMocap by cgtinker is a Blender add-on to preform Hand, Face and Pose Detection in Blender using just a Webcam built upon Google’s Mediapipe. The detected data can be easily transferred to rifigy rigs.
lipsync libraries
rhubarb lip sync is a command-line tool that automatically creates 2D mouth animation from voice recordings
mocap libraries
openpose is the first real-time multi-person system to jointly detect human body, hand, facial, and foot key-points
FrankMocap A Strong and Easy-to-use Single View 3D Hand+Body Pose Estimator
EasyMocap is an open-source toolbox for markerless human motion capture.
FreeMoCap on pre-recorded videos:
Start the RunMe() pipeline at Stage 2, and specify the folder containing the videos you wish to process.