Exploring Popular Ai Libraries And Tools For Various Tasks
This article highlights popular AI libraries and tools for different tasks, such as recommendation systems (Surprise, LightFM), time series forecasting (Prophet), subword embeddings (Bpemb), and more including XGBoost, Chakin, H2O AutoML, Awesome H2O, Numenta’s Nupic doc, DESlib, and TFlearn. Each library is explained in detail to help readers understand their features and capabilities.
popular AI libraries
thers’s something missing in the agi field.
chakin: simple downloader for embedding models
bpemb: pretrained subword embeddings for many languages
prophet python tutorial time series forcast
tflearn: high level wrappers for tensorflow
awesome h2o for h2o beginners
deslib dynamic classifier and ensemble library
recommendation system
python recsys recommendation system
lightfm recsys