This guide offers tutorials in Java and Kotlin, covering patterns like Java Stream, list comprehension, switch expressions, and iterating through lists with indices. Additionally, it discusses eclipse and JetBrains plugin support for BeanShell syntax highlighting. The guide also teaches various methods to count array element occurrences in both languages.
var a = arrayOf(1,2,3); print(a.contentToString()) print(a.max()) print(a.min()) a.reverse()
creating hashmap
1 2 3
var ah= newHashMap<>(); ah.put(1,2);
1 2
var ah = hashMapOf(1 to 2, 2 to 3)
iterate lists with indices
java double colon :: operator acts as anonymous function
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
varl= a.listIterator(); while (l.hasNext()){ varindex= l.nextIndex(); varval=; System.out.println("INDEX: "+index+" ELEM: "+val); } IntStream.range(0,a.size()).forEach(index -> a.get(index)); var index=0; for (int i: a){ index++; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a.forEachIndexed{ind, elem -> println("index? $ind"); println("elem? $elem")} for (var i in a.indices){ var elem = a[i] } a.indices.forEach { var elem = a[it] elem }