This article offers tips for controlling Android devices, including setting the time with adb, disabling alarms, and utilizing cloud phone platforms like Redroid and Lambda. Additionally, it covers solutions to adb connection issues by suggesting troubleshooting steps such as restarting the adb server, ensuring proper USB hardware connectivity, improving power supply, and using high-quality cables.
长时间不开机的机器可能会发生时间错位问题 需要用adb进行时间校准
1 | adb shell date "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" |
把所有闹钟都关闭 防止关了机又打开 或者在脚本操作控制的时候出问题
redroid supports adb connection, and is a docker image
redroid-doc and redroid tutorial
lamda is a multi-source (simulator and real device support) android controlling, network capturing and reverse engineering platform
1 | adb kill-server |