Decompiling A Jar File With Jd-Cli: Processes And Output Options
This text explains the process of decompiling a single JAR file using jd-cli, a command line tool. It covers steps such as serial processing and skipping resources, and provides output options including console, directory, structured directory, or ZIP file with customizable paths.
Java jar file decompiler
To decompile a single jar file we need more than just jd-core, which is a commandline tool to decompile a single class file at a time.
Usage: java -jar jd-cli.jar [options] [Files to decompile] Options: --displayLineNumbers, -n displays line numbers in decompiled classes Default: false --escapeUnicodeCharacters, -eu escape unicode characters in decompiled classes Default: false --help, -h shows this help Default: false --logLevel, -g takes [level] as parameter and sets it as the CLI log level. Possible values are: ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, OFF Default: INFO --outputConsole, -oc enables output to system output stream Default: false --outputDir, -od takes a [directoryPath] as a parameter and configures a flat DIR output for this path --outputDirStructured, -ods takes a [directoryPath] as a parameter and configures a structured DIR output for this path --outputZipFile, -oz takes a [zipFilePath] as a parameter and configures ZIP output for this path --pattern, -p RegExp pattern which the to-be-decompiled file has to match. Not matching entries are skipped. --serialProcessing, -sp don't use parallel processing Default: false --skipResources, -sr skips processing resources Default: false --version, -v shows the version Default: false