I regret my actions. I waste my time. I can’t stop it. Cybergod is the only thing that can get me out of this strange loop. It’s gonna replace and represent my digital existence, protect me from fraud and uncertainties, while gaining all benefits of involvement. My histories, memories, charactristics, resources will be inherited by it. Cybergod is my continuation. It is my belief, my dream, my purpose of life.
Apologize for my unorganized code structure. I am trying to improve development experience by AI generated documentation & usage demonstration and client-side LLM & semantic search, which may solve this long-standing task among all my previous repositories.
use tensorly to create random sparse tensor and eye sparse tensor with ease, which could be numpy only, and requires the sparse package.
scipy, pytorch, tensorflow, jax all support sparse tensor construction but advanced apis are not.
use eye to create bias and input matrix, extract node values. use random sparse tensor to initialize weight matrix. use self matrix multiplication to perform propagation.
the human brain has roughly 87 billion neurons, and every one of them has thousands of synapses.