remove sensitive data from github
use bfg repo cleaner, avaliable in brew
, downloadable as a jar.
other tools either perform poorly or have complex syntax. may not work as expected!
cheat sheet for converting bfg commands into git filter-repo
remove sensitive data from github
use bfg repo cleaner, avaliable in brew
, downloadable as a jar.
other tools either perform poorly or have complex syntax. may not work as expected!
cheat sheet for converting bfg commands into git filter-repo
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reloading Change Python code while it’s running without losing state
jurigged Hot reloading for Python
DebugPy can capture every exception at the time it is raised and preserve state (but cannot instruct the frame to continue execution without exception), no matter it is wrapped around some ‘try-except’ or not.
Reloadium requires breakpoints to reload scripts. However, breakpoints can be generated/inferenced and removed at runtime. Currently it only works with pydevd inside pycharm. Reloadium supports line-wise profiling.
pydevd_reload An enhanced hot reload module from PyDev
The key is to see immediate response directly after changes
React Native is a tool helping to build cross-platform mobile/desktop apps.
NativeScript is something alike.
Kivy Roboto
iquant基于迅投qmt平台开发 不支持极简模式 即使是极简模式也需要识别输入验证码 在Windows平台上运行 支持python36-38
国金qmt下载地址 官网貌似找不到了所以放这里 安装文档 开户
最新国内外量化平台汇总 包含数据来源 支持实盘的券商
command of mpython3
1 | env JAVA_HOME=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/openjdk/18.0.2 PYTHONPATH=$(python3 -c "import sys; print(':'.join(sys.path))"):/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.10/site-packages python3 $@ |
code in beanshell:
1 | import; |
b站网页获取开播地址 rtmp
【神奇弹幕】哔哩哔哩直播万能机器人,弹幕姬+答谢姬+回复姬+点歌姬+各种小骚操作,目前唯一可编程机器人 可以实现自动开播
Bilibili直播工具 自动登录并获取推流地址,可以用于电脑、树莓派等设备无人值守直播
无后端的仿 YouTube Live Chat 风格的简易 Bilibili 弹幕姬
use frida scripts specific to applications
justtrustme xposed
sslunpinning xposed
apk-mitm by repacking apk and resigning
recommend to use: PCAPdroid-API
1 | adb shell am start -e action start -e pcap_dump_mode udp_exporter -e collector_ip_address -e collector_port 5123 -e app_filter com.tencent.mobileqq -n com.emanuelef.remote_capture.debug/com.emanuelef.remote_capture.activities.CaptureCtrl |
setting up http proxy via adb:
1 | # this does not ensure that the target app is captured. |
warning: could be dangerous cause adb remote connections seem without any password. consider protect that with some proxy.
turning on:
1 | setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555 |
turning off:
1 | setprop service.adb.tcp.port -1 |
set things under /data/adb/services.d/
and make them executable
1 | mount -o remount,rw / |
create this under /system/etc/init.d/
1 | service adb_wifi_enable /system/bin/ |