the core problem is that after uninstallation of xcode, one cannot launch the Apple Doc Helper or some binary afterwards inside the Apple docset under dash documentation folder. the docset can be copied to this folder automatically by dash but without xcode it cannot be opened.
With its updated version of Autograd, JAX can automatically differentiate native Python and NumPy functions. It can differentiate through loops, branches, recursion, and closures, and it can take derivatives of derivatives of derivatives. It supports reverse-mode differentiation (a.k.a. backpropagation) via grad as well as forward-mode differentiation, and the two can be composed arbitrarily to any order.
XLA (Accelerated Linear Algebra) is a domain-specific compiler for linear algebra that can accelerate TensorFlow models with potentially no source code changes.
opennlp has a language detector for 103 languages, including chinese. opennlp has a sentence detector (separator) which could be trained on chinese (maybe?)
PyMC is a probabilistic programming library for Python that allows users to build Bayesian models with a simple Python API and fit them using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.
according to this, termux:boot on android 10 and above will not work. instead, change all executables with relative paths in init scripts to their absolute paths. if any referred executable is a script file containing other executable with non-absolute paths(except for those built-in programs like am), change that too.
mostly we hold wakelock, start sshd, crond or nginx and other non-blocking, non-interactive apps at start.
it is funny that macOS still supports AMD GPUs, means any intel Mac (not M-series!) can now utilize internal/external AMD GPUs as long as frameworks like jax and pytorch support MPS/Metal.
calling python code from swift using pythonkit:
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funcdownloadVideo(link: String){ let sys =Python.import("sys") sys.path.append(dirPath) let example =Python.import("sample") let response = example.downloadVideo(link, dirPath) videoPath =String(response) }
then, install it on hackintosh, with associated nvidia drivers.
next test gpu avalibility via system info panel.
then install xcode commandline tools and check coreml avalibility
run coreml with swift on linux
darling is at its very premature stage, just like the wine. now it is testing something called “darlingserver” which is a full userspace implementation and is prone to tons of problems. swift repl is not working and installing xcode commandline tools 14 will hang this thing. i suggest you to do light model training on macbook air and convert it to onnx if want to use it everywhere.
before reinstallation of darling, make sure you have removed all darling related files by checking updatedb; locate darling | grep -v <compile directory>
visit here to install darling from source (maybe that’s the only way)
if want to install darling on kali, you must outsource all deeplearning models to other disks, and collect all other big files to somewhere else or trash them. use systemwide user broadcast method to warn me if any of the disk is missing. use automatic symlink change method to adapt the external disk mountpoint changes.
darling can install xcode commandline tools with macos sdk, so maybe it can run coreml models with swift using cpu. gpu support is currently not known. maybe that requires metal support.
battery life is currently bad for intel/amd notebooks of x86/64 architecture.
heavy lifting jobs are likely to be run on Mac Studio with M1 Ultra and 128GB RAM. Macbook Air M1 with 8GB RAM is simply not feasible.
aside of Apple platforms, these APIs are virtually useless.
to run these on other non-apple machines, you need to tweak and install macOS on x86-64 platforms with macOS supported GPUs(may have low performance), which will definitely not taking any advantage of huge shared RAM with CPU, and may run poorly on CoreML/CreateML, may not support deepspeed stage 2/3 or BMI(big model inference)
Non-Supported NVIDIA Cards, use AMD GPU instead
High Sierra no longer supports NVIDIA Mac.
Mojave – Catalina – BigSur only works with AMD graphics and Intel onboard graphics and only a very small number of old NVIDIA products. Suppose you have GTX 1070, 1080, and the like, you can not use High Sierra onwards because Nvidia does not provide any updates for Mac and can not be used in any other way.
In general, the graphics of the Turing, Pascal, and Maxwell series will never be supported again. The latest Mac version that can use this series of graphics is High Sierra.
pytorch with m1 support, using MPS (Metal performance shader)
install from nightly release channel, with minimum system version requirements 12.3 (which this machine had been qualified after system update, now 12.5)
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# MPS acceleration is available on MacOS 12.3+ pip3 install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url
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python3 -c "import torch; print('MPS avaliable:',torch.backends.mps.is_available()); print('Built with MPS:',torch.backends.mps.is_built())"
if you install p2p server nodes on primary server (with hard-to-crack password and proper configs (no brute-forcing)?) you might want to add that (n2n) server node at home.
use n2n to send udp packages among clients, try to create direct link between devices which will speed up ssh connection speed. supernode creation could be used along with frpc
somehow brew does not have n2n as a package. macports has it, which requires xcode (huge!) to be installed.
on macos, when crontab is created, cron will be automatically launched by launchd.
cronjobs may need to launch with the $(which env) prefix.
the problem of internet disconnetion will most not likely to interfere with the server since frpc has auto reconnection and the update hook is the filesystem watchdog, which will not run when no changes made (including the offline period)
the watchdog may be replaced by some mirror fuse system, which will report every access request to our dedicated server.
we have seen this behavior (filesystem mirroring) in our gitfuse code. but does that support symlink? should we really take care of that? or should we forget that and just use inotify instead?
maybe it will affect the client when mounting the remote filesystem using sshfs or rclone, but that has to be verified.
serve and mount remote filesystem
before serving, make sure the path /media/root/help/pyjom exists by running our mount script
before mounting, use rclone config to setup remote associated with a name. make sure the hostname is localhost instead of ip address to avoid certificate issues. do not install rclone from brew since it does not support fuse. instead, install from here
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rclone mount webdav_local_nginx:/ /Volume/CaseSensitive/pyjom_remote_mountpoint --ca-cert /Users/jamesbrown/Desktop/works/host_discovery_ssh_local_connect/certificates/localhost.crt
after mounting, seems zsh on macos is not working very well with macfuse. bash works. does bash/fish works with sshfs as well? maybe that will save efforts.
encryption and invalid HTTPS certificates
use nginx to redirect remote server as localhost, since the host name on the certificate is localhost we cannot let chrome to trust anything other than that
currently we only have one, which uses direct ip address instead of a hijacked domain. maybe it is time to consider some faster server providers.
use a universal ssh as workspace extension called SSH FS
drawbacks of SSH FS extension
some drawbacks of this SSH FS plugin is that it cannot use the plugins from remote machine, also having issue whe jumping to remote files from terminal output. to run code-insider instead of code-oss, maybe we could spin up the official ssh connector, which can only be automated by publickey authentication.
syncing, updating and viewing using watchdog and sshfs(deprecated since it shares connection with vscode remote and maybe slower than rclone serve webdav?)
to make sure the changes are updated regularly, we need a filesystem watchdog on kali, which will trigger the action of syncing, utilizing inotify. shall that be adopted on macos? maybe. but my extra editors can be vim or nvim, so it is not so hard to predict. but if it can monitor the file read events, we don’t need those legacy editor program hooks.
at least we need to see the output, so we need to mount the remote filesystem as sshfs, then use ffplay to view it.
for now, two viable ways:
one using code-server, the other using code-server-insider provided by code-insider. when using builtin code-server-insider, remember it will not share the plugins installed by code-insider. the remote executable location is at /root/.vscode-server-insiders/bin/12b08be500f8a307f30e92cbc3ee39ba115eab69/bin/code-server-insider or something. must set the local setting remote.SSH.useLocalServer to false.
when using code-server, one can connect to the workspace using browser, instead of vscode builtin remote connector.