either use gui or command line
1 | # run on master device |
either use gui or command line
1 | # run on master device |
Directly convert commandline programs as GUI programs.
This goofy name “Gooey“ is so strange that even ChatGPT and search engine like Bing have both failed to retrieve.
Yet we manage to recover it from our legacy codebase AGI/AutoUP/generator/transcribe
by rg -g *.cmd pyinstaller36
and find . | rg time | rg tracker
Is this fate?
Is this the end, or the new beginning?
search for “artificial general intelligence” in github and hit many results.
some article says deep neural networks are t2 level, human are t3 level (connected dnns) and to train a t3 level intel you need t4 level intel (like the earth, or a group of t3 intels, you can’t be 1-to-1 now, you must be forgiving). this proves my provision of putting agi into gui or human interfaces.
to train a t2 level intel, you need t3 intel, such as yourself or your users.
you must setup this playground then you begin to learn stuff and libraries of AGI. but once you have one, don’t move around, stick to it! you need time to develop the general adaptor and make clear and achievable goals!
terminal, GUI, program, API, network
please check my previous efforts on building AGI, namely: AGI, lazero, metalazero
nsjail with docker
javascript in python:
1 | pip3 install javascript |
1 | from javascript import require, globalThis |
access python from javascript:
1 | npm i pythonia |
1 | import { python } from 'pythonia' |
use cmd-click to operate the inactive window without activating it.
linux/windows not having this feature. might need custom hot key for this.