The path: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Find the Tesla card within 000x, change AdapterType to 1, FeatureScore to 0xd1, create DWORD GridLicensedFeatures to 7, create DWORD EnableMsHybrid to 1.
Find the iGPU within 000x, create DWORD EnableMsHybrid to 2.
Restart the computer. When you see the Tesla GPU popping up in Task manager you are all set.
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nvidia-smi -g 0 -dm 0
Make sure to select the right GPU when using Vulkan.
to increase stability, you need to prevent computer from overheating (throttle). also, replace normal laptop ram with ecc ram (not server-grade reg-ecc)
but ecc is only supported on Xeon processors.
moreover, you could just use UPS+NUC instead of laptop, to prevent this bloody battery issue.
will these charging limits still work if we close the lid? if not, we could possibly damage the battery.
to prevent damage to computer battery due to overcharging
kernel 5.5 or newer:
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echo 60 | sudo tee /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control_end_threshold
with platform-specific drivers, look for: /sys/devices/platform/.*/.*(battery|charge|thresh|limit).*
For ThinkPads and selected other laptops tlp/tlpui (acts like powertop which turns off usb devices, so be careful when running long-term programs) provides a unified way
to configure charge thresholds and recalibrate the battery.
Sometimes tp-smapi from apt will not install and you need to fetch the source and compile yourself. Activate the plugin by sudo modprobe tp_smapi
Run sudo systemctl start tlp to initiate service. Run sudo tlp-stat -s to check status.
when installing global ackages, we do not need to specify NODE_PATH. but it is not configured beforehand thus when you want to import packages from there you will face issue.
for zsh/bash/fish:
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on windows just use the old school drill (open environment editor)
chech the exact path of NODE_PATH after invoking npm install -g <package_name>, then check if the installed package exists in that path you guessed.
on termux: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/node_modules
on kali: /usr/local/lib/node_modules (may be inaccurate)
on macos: /opt/homebrew/lib/node_modules (nodejs installed via brew)