不管什么单子 必须在虚拟机里面跑
不得物理机运行未知应用程序 否则就会出事
不管什么单子 必须在虚拟机里面跑
不得物理机运行未知应用程序 否则就会出事
powershell obfuscator advanced, will bypass any av
thefatrat is an exploiting tool which compiles a malware with famous payload, and then the compiled maware can be executed on Linux , Windows , Mac and Android. TheFatRat Provides An Easy way to create Backdoors and Payload which can bypass most anti-virus. the author has some tools to share.
pupy is an opensource, cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OSX, Android) C2 and post-exploitation framework written in python and C
venom - C2 shellcode generator/compiler/handler
thezoo A repository of LIVE malwares for your own joy and pleasure. theZoo is a project created to make the possibility of malware analysis open and available to the public.
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OSINT: open source (public source) intelligence is the practice of collecting information from published or otherwise publicly available sources
1 | Maltego |
Invicti is a web application security scanner hacking tool to find SQL Injection, XSS, and vulnerabilities in web applications or services automatically.
It is used to identify security vulnerabilities by allowing it to test the dynamic behavior of running web applications.
It is used to recover the MS Access passwords
Used in port scanning, one of the phases in ethical hacking, is the finest hacking software ever.
Nessus is the world’s most well-known vulnerability scanner, which was designed by tenable network security. It is free and is chiefly recommended for non-enterprise usage.
Checks web servers and identifies over 6400 CGIs or files that are potentially dangerous
Kismet is basically a sniffer and wireless-network detector that works with other wireless cards and supports raw-monitoring mode.
Identifying AP (Access Point) network configuration
Integration of scanner results into other platforms and tools
Uniquely verifies identified vulnerabilities, showing that they are genuine, not false positives
Integrates with Slack, Jira, and major cloud providers
Contains a data transfer, redirection, and debugging tool
Ideal for finding security vulnerabilities
It can crack WEP keys and WPA2-PSK, and check Wi-Fi cards
Allows coloring rules to packet lists to facilitate analysis
OpenVAS has the capabilities of various high and low-level Internet and industrial protocols, backed up by a robust internal programming language.
Supports executing arbitrary commands
Live connections sniffer
Performs real-time information gathering and data mining
Uses out-of-band techniques
Tests different encrypted passwords
This is a free tool for scanning IP addresses and ports
Recognized as one of the best SIEM tools, helping you easily manage memory stick storage
Detects paths changes and alerts you about them
Its packet intelligence provides deep analyses
Responds to real-time threats
Tests dynamic behavior of web applications for the purpose of spotting security vulnerabilities
Supports distributed cracking networks
Fixes weak passwords issues by forcing a password reset or locking out accounts
Rainbow Crack
IKECrack is an authentication cracking tool with the bonus of being open source.
Checks for over two dozen types of web vulnerabilities
One of the best tools for thread-based parallel testing and brute-force testing
uncovers password fields, sniffs networks, recovers MS Access passwords, and cracks encrypted passwords using brute-force, dictionary, and cryptanalysis attacks.
Administrators can track new hosts or services that appear on their networks and track existing downed services
这是一个靶场 和一般的CTF不一样 是有真的服务器在里面的
9 alternatives from alternativesto
因为自己电脑算力有限 要探索高级人工智能 要运行某些赚钱程序 必须免费白嫖别人的算力
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