to tell you, pytweening is initially developed for pyautogui (by the same author at least), probably for evading AI detection, passing captcha or somehow, but it could also be used in animation rendering.
or just use ffmpeg. you need to handcraft those formulas anyway.
does vidpy/mltframework and some other libs supports that? requires investigation.
With its updated version of Autograd, JAX can automatically differentiate native Python and NumPy functions. It can differentiate through loops, branches, recursion, and closures, and it can take derivatives of derivatives of derivatives. It supports reverse-mode differentiation (a.k.a. backpropagation) via grad as well as forward-mode differentiation, and the two can be composed arbitrarily to any order.
XLA (Accelerated Linear Algebra) is a domain-specific compiler for linear algebra that can accelerate TensorFlow models with potentially no source code changes.
opennlp has a language detector for 103 languages, including chinese. opennlp has a sentence detector (separator) which could be trained on chinese (maybe?)
PyMC is a probabilistic programming library for Python that allows users to build Bayesian models with a simple Python API and fit them using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.
note: in order to install libraries and dependencies, you need ubuntu inside termux. create shortcuts and alias to launch ubuntu. link files and directories to ububtu proot filesystem. also never attempt to update kali since that will break shit, especially for bumping python versions.
schedule the training on minute basis first for complete test, then schedule it on fixed time per day.
for qq client: dump 500 continual sentences when adding one new while holding the filelock, do not block or stop running if GPT not responding
for gpt2 server: (where to train? how to prevent maching from burning? for how long?)
rename the dataset while holding the filelock
always keep the latest 2 models, remove those not readable first, then delete older ones.
if train on CPU, still need to limit training time, sleep while doing so. GPU for sure we need sleep during training, and do not use VRAM for other applications.
debug the consecutive group reply thresholding protocol
reply according to individual description and group description
同时推广自己和别人的视频或者内容 收集推荐反馈 同时逐步减小推荐别人视频或者内容的频率
推广视频的时候可以加入别人的视频高赞评论 动态的GIF 音频 或者是短视频 然后再发送xml
增加复读图片的功能 增加chatlocal返回图片的功能
增加反馈功能 根据发言之后群里面的回复来确定发言是否有益
用txtai或者其他information retrieval (semantic search, smart search)语义查找工具来代替levenshtein的history based reply logic 查找时要包括上下文
复读机不能使得死群活起来 但是主动推送可以 推送长的 自言自语的对话到群里面 不能是同一个群 主题要相关 filter out too negative ones
拉人到别的群里面来 最好是多个号不共享群但是话题有交集的人
add involution option, allow to append unqualified replies to input message, separated by space.
add extend conversation option, allow to reply more than one sentence at a time (proper delay needed) -> could be achieved by using GPT2 alike generation model
crop music that does not sing too early? maybe no need.
we need to sort them out by time! prevent serious issues.
skip empty lines?
lrc files only have start time but no end time.
we group parallel lyrics by time, if they are close enough we make it into a group.
groups act as time separators. no two group share the same time. also group have maximum span time, minimum span time calculated by content, and group should always in bound.
should apply the same min-max rule when selecting my video clips
recommend to use effect 2 beginners -> 3 variants in examples, while 3 advanced -> 2 testing pixels as reference (more advanced but incomplete, and might be very intensive)