1 | sudo ufw deny from <ip_range> port <port> |
1 | sudo firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="<ip_range>" port protocol="tcp" port="<port>" drop' |
1 | sudo ufw deny from <ip_range> port <port> |
1 | sudo firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="<ip_range>" port protocol="tcp" port="<port>" drop' |
when using long range public wifi it matters to block every port from incoming connections.
1 | sudo ufw default deny |
when configuration is done, remember to restart ufw and reconnect existing interfaces.
although remote clients are blocked, self-issued connections are not. so be sure to use another computer for testing ufw effectiveness before and after configuration.
People tend to seek for inspiration and conflicts on chatting software. They can be used to create video and article posts.
Sometimes your credential will be exposed by someone. Maybe you need to buy nameless QQ accounts to chat.
Suspicious account: 153-748-0445
不管什么单子 必须在虚拟机里面跑
不得物理机运行未知应用程序 否则就会出事
change the sshd config
append the client’s public key to “authorized_keys” and “administrators_authorized_keys”
restart the service
因为自己电脑算力有限 要探索高级人工智能 要运行某些赚钱程序 必须免费白嫖别人的算力
到百度 各大搜索引擎找目标站点 扫描漏洞 不要打大站 先从小站打起走 往全自动化方向打起走
在一个沙箱下面日站 不要在root权限下面日
利用工具 目标站点IP 端口就直接填到工具里面就行 一边学工具一边日站
需要一个repo专门放有关的代码 同时可以同步到每个设备
需要一个可以搜索全文的搜索引擎 搜集我们已有的md文件 提取里面的链接 然后继续clone github的文件 继续搜集md文件 继续寻找链接
放传染性病毒 放挖币病毒 或者执行agi实验
everytime the fucking machine restarts, it fails devastatingly.
the word: Giving the fans some time to reach full speed...
the script:
1 |
hope this shit works?
1 | echo 255 | sudo tee /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon6/pwm3 |
i have install something other than that. like i8kctl, some thermal controllers by intel (thermald)? but still gpu fan not spinning till now.
1 | apt install -y lm-sensors fancontrol |
already have cpu frequency under control by running temp_throttle.sh
notes: found controllers dell_smm-isa-0000
1 | Found the following PWM controls: |
液体生料带 ergo 5500陶瓷胶 密封胶 液态密封圈 堵漏 用油管防止老化
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气压计 肥皂水测试是否漏水
显卡mos管需要水冷散热 建议看显卡发热红外图其他未水冷的地方贴上散热脊片
主板本来有热管 风扇散热的地方 例如南北桥 供电 如果要拆除 必须替换成水冷 背面也应该加上水冷
氟化液沉浸式散热 可以用潜水泵抽水加冷排
用水冷弹性弹簧喉夹来链接软管 有快拧接口的要有快拧头连接硬管或软管
用热缩编织管来避免磨损 用阻燃波纹管套住最外面
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personal ssh keys. not deploy keys under specific project settings.
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