Sync Notes Between Multiple Platforms/Devices

make webhooks or make git get latest HEAD hash every interval and compare

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Sync Tabs Across Different Browsers

tab session manager needs google account to operate, while it can still do offline syncing without google cloud.

seems that it can only hook up with newly opened tabs instead of existing ones.

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Reverse Proxy Free Frp Providers, Remote Code Editing, Remote Development

if you install p2p server nodes on primary server (with hard-to-crack password and proper configs (no brute-forcing)?) you might want to add that (n2n) server node at home.

p2p network

nps also supports p2p

(deprecated! does not pass the connectivity test) opengnb p2p network, faster than n2n v3, can run without public ip

gost as an frp alternative

turned out n2n is necessary, since the speed comparasion strongly disencourage the usage of frp directly.

n2n test commands, using compatible v3 protocol to communicate:

supernode v3: n2n.laiyx.win:10090

warning: it is useless to add multiple supernodes.

-l nton.eu.org:10090 -l n2n.lu8.win:10090 -l n2n.haoren.eu.org:10090 -l
supernode.ntop.org:7777 -l -l n2n.myan.cc:10090 -l n2n.sfcs.eu.org:10090 -l n2n.eriol.cn:10090 -l n2n.x0x.cn:10090 -l n2n.vvcd.win:10090


sudo edge -c <name> -k <password> -a -f -l n2n.laiyx.win:10090 -Er -A3 -e auto

macos, since we use sudo you might consider doing it with system service:

sudo edge -c <name> -k <password> -a -f -l n2n.laiyx.win:10090 -Er -A3 -e auto

public shared n2n supernodes

you could test the speed and decide to use it or not.

in kali discovery service, when local connection is not avaliable, usually the p2p network is preferred than direct frp tunneling.

brew has tinc as a package!

tinc conf

tinc setup with core server

remote access with vps using tinc

install and config tinc on linux

tinc is somehow complex and it may requires some tinkering on tinc-up or using docker.

install n2n without macports

use n2n to send udp packages among clients, try to create direct link between devices which will speed up ssh connection speed. supernode creation could be used along with frpc

somehow brew does not have n2n as a package. macports has it, which requires xcode (huge!) to be installed.

peervpn tutorial

daemonize (launch at startup)

on macos, when crontab is created, cron will be automatically launched by launchd.

cronjobs may need to launch with the $(which env) prefix.

the problem of internet disconnetion will most not likely to interfere with the server since frpc has auto reconnection and the update hook is the filesystem watchdog, which will not run when no changes made (including the offline period)

the watchdog may be replaced by some mirror fuse system, which will report every access request to our dedicated server.

we have seen this behavior (filesystem mirroring) in our gitfuse code. but does that support symlink? should we really take care of that? or should we forget that and just use inotify instead?

maybe it will affect the client when mounting the remote filesystem using sshfs or rclone, but that has to be verified.

serve and mount remote filesystem

before serving, make sure the path /media/root/help/pyjom exists by running our mount script

create htpasswd file:

htpasswd -bc webdav_htpasswd <username> <password>

use rclone:

rclone serve webdav /media/root/help/pyjom --addr --key /root/.local/share/code-server/localhost.key --cert /root/.local/share/code-server/localhost.crt --htpasswd /root/Desktop/works/sync_git_repos/remote_deploys/webdav_htpasswd -L

before mounting, use rclone config to setup remote associated with a name. make sure the hostname is localhost instead of ip address to avoid certificate issues. do not install rclone from brew since it does not support fuse. instead, install from here

rclone mount webdav_local_nginx:/ /Volume/CaseSensitive/pyjom_remote_mountpoint --ca-cert /Users/jamesbrown/Desktop/works/host_discovery_ssh_local_connect/certificates/localhost.crt

after mounting, seems zsh on macos is not working very well with macfuse. bash works. does bash/fish works with sshfs as well? maybe that will save efforts.

encryption and invalid HTTPS certificates

use nginx to redirect remote server as localhost, since the host name on the certificate is localhost we cannot let chrome to trust anything other than that

worker_processes auto;
error_log error.log;
events { }
stream {
server {
proxy_pass REMOTE_HOST:7576;

code-server(browser) color fixes

background: white;
caret-color: white;
.monaco-editor .view-line span.inline-selected-text{
background: blue;
color: white;

connectors other than frp

code-server recommends some other methods like cloudflared and ngrok. 花生壳可能也有用 但是可能不好用


try out code-server by coder, might work?

also we use builtin vscode connectors, using ssh.

currently we only have one, which uses direct ip address instead of a hijacked domain. maybe it is time to consider some faster server providers.

use a universal ssh as workspace extension called SSH FS

drawbacks of SSH FS extension

some drawbacks of this SSH FS plugin is that it cannot use the plugins from remote machine, also having issue whe jumping to remote files from terminal output. to run code-insider instead of code-oss, maybe we could spin up the official ssh connector, which can only be automated by publickey authentication.

syncing, updating and viewing using watchdog and sshfs(deprecated since it shares connection with vscode remote and maybe slower than rclone serve webdav?)

to mount the filesystem via sshfs:

sshfs root@ /Volumes/CaseSensitive/pyjom_remote_mountpoint -o follow_symlinks

to make sure the changes are updated regularly, we need a filesystem watchdog on kali, which will trigger the action of syncing, utilizing inotify. shall that be adopted on macos? maybe. but my extra editors can be vim or nvim, so it is not so hard to predict. but if it can monitor the file read events, we don’t need those legacy editor program hooks.

at least we need to see the output, so we need to mount the remote filesystem as sshfs, then use ffplay to view it.


for now, two viable ways:

one using code-server, the other using code-server-insider provided by code-insider. when using builtin code-server-insider, remember it will not share the plugins installed by code-insider. the remote executable location is at /root/.vscode-server-insiders/bin/12b08be500f8a307f30e92cbc3ee39ba115eab69/bin/code-server-insider or something. must set the local setting remote.SSH.useLocalServer to false.

when using code-server, one can connect to the workspace using browser, instead of vscode builtin remote connector.

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Cloud Based Github Web Ide, Vscode Auto Commit And Lightweight Terminal Ide

solved by gitfs

libgit2 sucks.

most stars

this gitfs is actually a searchable git history filesystem.


gitee python api, first step is to get access token by login

gitee apis

can we mount git/github repo as user filesystem(fuse)?

usually read-only github/git filesystems, but this one is different. it is backed by writable github apis and is written in python, with python implementation of fuse which is updated here. this pygithub has trending api(maybe?) which is useful for social engineering or propaganda.

we could also implement a watchdog like system to check against the files using pygithub.

cloud based github ide includes gitpod.io, github.dev, pythonanywhere but these are with serious limitations, most importantly without autocommit or too restricted to write code.

browse github repo as remote filesystem(vscode insider):


the vscode desktop is too resource heavy. though we have found a plugin to auto commit that also has a github repo to git repo(only for vscode insider):

spacevim with custom color theme and nerdfont installed.

spacevim documentation

vim wiki by fandom

run multiple vim commands at once:

:cd / | NERDTree

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Github Gitee 大文件大型Repo如何上传

using github/gitee apis with watchdog.

exclude xonsh yaml(.yml) files

if you decide to upload the thing to github privately, and to sync among devices, then you need to deploy and share your ssh key.

run git related command after opened the vscode repeatedly, just like notable.

before git submodule .git folder deletion you may record the remote origin url to somewhere in the base folder.

you could patch the vscode launcher somehow, read the working directory to determine to repeatedly sync or not.

git init is a manual process.

also you might need five filelocks: one for main loop process running, one for git sync, one for local sync, two for remote sync.

use $@ or $* will do to pass arguments to the vscode binary.

首先不能follow symlink

其次忽略二进制文件 忽略特定后缀以外的文件

第一次建立的时候 递归扫描所有文件 去除大文件 append到.gitignore根目录下面

下一次 git add .之前 利用git的功能寻找有变化的文件目录 把大文件目录append到.gitignore里面

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Upload Model To Huggingface

via code:


from transformers import AutoModelForMaskedLM, AutoTokenizer

checkpoint = “camembert-base”

model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(checkpoint)

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(checkpoint)




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Netdisk Managers, Userscript And Info_Data Collection

Userscript and info/data collection

Alist a filelist manager for all common cloud storage providers

for site collection list you could just search for it.

you can search for netdisk managers.

aliyun netdisk manager:


found a repo full of userscripts:


baidunetdisk cli go:


bittorrent trackers:


script list:

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知乎 美化 宽屏显示、暗黑模式、屏蔽首页活动、调整图片最大高度… 安装 | 备用

知乎 增强 移除登录弹窗、屏蔽首页视频、屏蔽用户、屏蔽关键词… 安装 | 备用

V2EX 增强 自动签到、链接转图片、自动无缝翻页、新标签页打开链… 安装 | 备用

Github 增强 高速下载 Git Clone/SSH、Release、Raw、Code(ZIP) … 安装 | 备用

Ping.Sx 增强 一键复制所有 IP、清理 IP 链接、快捷回到顶部 … 安装 | 备用

自动无缝翻页 * 无缝衔接下一页内容 (瀑布流) 支持各论坛/漫画/百度/谷歌等… 安装 | 备用

3DM论坛 美化 精简多余内容、样式优化 安装 | 备用

3DM论坛 增强 自动回复、自动无缝翻页、清理置顶帖子、自动滚至隐藏… 安装 | 备用

蓝奏云网盘 增强 * 右键显示菜单、直接下载文件、显示更多文件、自动密码… 安装 | 备用

新标签页打开链接 * 将网页中所有链接改为新标签页打开~ 安装 | 备用

DuckDuckGo 增强 屏蔽指定域名、修复图标加载、链接不携来源、快捷回到… 安装 | 备用

吾爱破解论坛 美化 精简多余内容、样式优化 安装 | 备用

吾爱破解论坛 增强 自动签到、自动无缝翻页、屏蔽导读悬赏贴 (最新发表页)… 安装 | 备用

全球主机交流论坛 增强 * 自动访问空间(22积分)、屏蔽用户、屏蔽关键词、自动翻… 安装 | 备用

Steam 创意工坊大图 修复 修复 Steam 创意工坊预览大图无法显示的问题 安装 | 备用

HTML5 视频音频默认音量 避免被 100% 音量吓一跳!且支持各网站分别记住音量… 安装 | 备用

Google 翻译 美化 精简多余内容、修复翻译结果溢出屏幕问题 安装 | 备用

智友邦论坛 美化 精简多余内容、样式优化、宽屏显示 安装 | 备用

智友邦论坛 增强 自动签到、自动回复、自动无缝翻页、快捷回到顶部、附… 安装 | 备用



autopager supported websites:

< - - - - - - - - 网站 - - - - - - - - > 主页 分类 文章 评论 搜索 < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 备注 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

所有 Discuz! 论坛 ✔ ✔ ✔ - ✔ 国内常见 论坛系统 (如:吾爱破解、3DM 等)

所有 phpBB 论坛 ✔ ✔ ✔ - ✔ 国外常见 论坛系统

所有 XenForo 论坛 ✔ ✔ ✔ - ✔ 国外常见 论坛系统

所有 NexusPHP 论坛 ✔ ✔ ✔ - ✔ 国内常见 论坛系统 (BT / PT 论坛)

所有 Flarum 论坛 ✔ ✔ ✔ - ✔ 简洁开源 论坛系统

所有 Xiuno 论坛 ✔ ✔ ✔ - ✔ 国内开源 论坛系统

所有 笔趣阁 网站 - - ✔ - - 小说网站常用的 笔趣阁 模板

部分 Typecho 网站 ✔ ✔ - - ✔ 适配一些常见的 Typecho 网站主题

部分 WordPress 网站 ✔ ✔ - - ✔ 适配一些常见的 WordPress 网站主题

部分 在线影视模板 网站 ✔ ✔ - - ✔ 适配一些常见的 在线影视 网站模板

部分 自带无缝翻页 网站 ✔ ✔ - - ✔ 适配一些支持 [加载更多] 的网站 (为了避免误触,规则比较保守)

[搜索引擎] <

谷歌 (Google) - - - - ✔ (建议开启各搜索引擎设置中的 新标签页打开链接 选项,以提高使用体验)

必应 (Bing) - - - - ✔ (微软的)

百度 - - - - ✔

搜狗 - - - - ✔

搜狗微信 ✔ ✔ - - ✔ (微信文章/公众号搜索)

头条搜索 - - - - ✔

神马搜索 - - - - ✔

无追搜索 - - - - ✔

360 搜索 - - - - ✔

Searxng - - - - ✔ (对各大搜索引擎的聚合搜索)

DuckDuckGo - - - - ✔ (以上这几个均支持手机版)

Startpage - - - - ✔

Yandex - - - - ✔ (俄罗斯的,如果卡住说明弹验证码了,请刷新网页后继续…)

Yahoo - - - - ✔ (包含 Yahoo JP 域名)

Qwant - - - - ✔

Ecosia - - - - ✔

Goobe - - - - ✔ (代码相关)

Magi - - - - ✔

轻搜 - - - - ✔

ASK - - - - ✔

[社区] <

贴吧 - ✔ ✔ - ✔ (如要发帖请点击右侧悬浮 [发帖] 按钮 或 点击左下角页码暂停翻页)

豆瓣 - ✔ ✔ ✔ - (短评、影评、评论、小组帖子 等等…)

知乎 - ✔ - - - (用户主页下的回答、文章 与 收藏夹页)

微博 - - - ✔ -

天涯 - ✔ ✔ - -

虎扑 - ✔ ✔ - -

NGA - ✔ ✔ - - (玩家相关)

V2EX ✔ ✔ - - -

煎蛋网 ✔ ✔ - ✔ -

水木社区 - ✔ ✔ - - (清华论坛)

龙的天空 - ✔ ✔ - - (小说相关)

看雪论坛 - ✔ - - - (安全相关)

番组计划 (Bangumi) - ✔ - - - (二次元版豆瓣?)

懂车帝论坛 - ✔ - - -

宽带山论坛 ✔ ✔ ✔ - - (上海地方论坛)

篱笆网论坛 ✔ ✔ ✔ - ✔ (上海地方论坛)

淘股吧论坛 ✔ ✔ ✔ - -

芥子空间论坛 - ✔ - - - (手游相关)

LowEndTalk ✔ ✔ ✔ - - (海外服务器相关)

RuTracker - ✔ ✔ - - (俄罗斯学习资源论坛)

A 岛 - ✔ ✔ - -

B 站 (Bilibili) - - - - ✔

[设计/素材] <

Pixiv - ✔ - - ✔ (插画)

Vilipix - ✔ - - ✔ (内容来自 Pixiv,下同 ⤵)

Pixivision - ✔ - - ✔

站酷 (ZCOOL) ✔ - - - - (图片/设计素材,下同 ⤵)

千图网 - ✔ - - ✔

千库网 - ✔ - - ✔

昵图网 - ✔ - - ✔

众图网 - ✔ - - ✔

我图网 - ✔ - - ✔

包图网 - ✔ - - ✔

图怪兽 - ✔ - - ✔

Pixabay - ✔ - - ✔

搜图神器 ✔ - - - ✔

素材中国 - ✔ - - ✔

iconfont - - - - ✔ (图标,下同 ⤵)

IconArchive - - - - ✔

Mixkit - ✔ - - ✔ (视频/音乐素材)

普象网 ✔ ✔ - - ✔ (产品设计,下同 ⤵)

学犀牛 ✔ ✔ ✔ - ✔

欧模网 - ✔ - - ✔ (模型素材,下同 ⤵)

下得乐 - ✔ - - ✔

[游戏] <

3DM - ✔ ✔ - - (包括论坛,下同 ⤵)

游侠网 - ✔ ✔ - -

游民星空 - - ✔ - -

3DM MOD - ✔ - - ✔ (游戏 MOD,下同 ⤵)

CurseForge - ✔ - - ✔

NexusMods - ✔ - - ✔

Steam 创意工坊 ✔ ✔ - - ✔ (创意工坊 MOD 文件下载1/下载2)

Steam 活动评论 - - - ✔ - (商家动态/活动下的评论区)

小霸王其乐无穷 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

Switch520 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

CS.RIN.RU - ✔ ✔ - ✔ (国外的游戏分享网站,下同 ⤵)

Byrutor ✔ ✔ - - -

Crackhub213 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

FitGirl Repacks ✔ ✔ - - ✔

Masquerade Repacks ✔ ✔ - - ✔

[影视/在线] <

茶杯狐 - - ✔ - ✔ (以下部分网站同时包含 BT/动漫)

NO 视频 - ✔ - - ✔

低端影视 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

奈菲影视 - ✔ - - ✔

在线之家 - ✔ - - ✔

片吧影院 - ✔ - - ✔

嗯哩嗯哩 - ✔ - - ✔

91 美剧网 - ✔ - - ✔

真不卡影院 - ✔ - - ✔

ZzzFun 动漫 - ✔ - - ✔ (仅动漫,下同 ⤵)

吐槽弹幕网 - ✔ - - ✔

樱花动漫 - ✔ - - ✔

怡萱动漫 - ✔ - - ✔

妮可动漫 - ✔ - - ✔

漫岛动漫 - ✔ - - ✔

AGE 动漫 - ✔ - - ✔

233 动漫 - ✔ - - ✔

Anime1 ✔ - - - ✔

[BT/下载] <

音范丝 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

片源网 - - - - ✔

磁力狗 - - - - ✔

雨花阁 - - - - ✔

BT 之家 ✔ ✔ - - ✔ (匹配所有包含 btbtt 的域名)

BD 影视 - ✔ - - ✔

高清电台 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

爱恋动漫 ✔ ✔ - - ✔ (动漫,下同 ⤵)

末日动漫 ✔ ✔ - - ✔ (包括 国际站)

动漫花园 ✔ ✔ - - ✔ (包括 镜像站)

简单动漫 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

零度动漫 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

ACG.RIP ✔ ✔ - - ✔

萌番组 ✔ ✔ - - ✔ (包括 Lite 版)

MioBT ✔ ✔ - - ✔

SkrBT ✔ ✔ - - ✔ (匹配所有包含 skrbt 的域名)

Nyaa ✔ - - - ✔

YTS - ✔ - - ✔ (这个 + 下面这两个算是我最常用的了~)

1337x ✔ ✔ - - ✔ (包括 镜像站)

RARBG ✔ ✔ - - ✔ (包括 镜像站)

Zooqle - ✔ - - ✔

Kickass - ✔ - - ✔

WebHD ✔ - - - ✔ (与 SubHD 字幕网站配套)

MINI4K - ✔ - - ✔ (与 A4k 字幕网站配套)

Trackerslist.com - - - - - (分享我自制自用的 Tracker 列表,多少会提高点 BT 下载速度~ 12k+⭐)

[字幕] <

A4k ✔ ✔ - - ✔

SubHD - ✔ - - ✔

伪射手网 - ✔ - - ✔

点点字幕 - - - - ✔

中文字幕网 - ✔ - - ✔

字幕库 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

[漫画] <

漫本 - ✔ ✔ - -

好漫 6 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

6 漫画 - ✔ ✔ - -

动漫狂 - ✔ ✔ - ✔ (部分早期章节,因网站问题而无法自动衔接下一章)

动漫啦 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

漫漫聚 - - ✔ - -

漫画猫 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

漫画皮 - ✔ ✔ - -

漫画人 - - ✔ - -

漫画柜 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

36漫画 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

爱漫画 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

漫画 DB - ✔ ✔ - ✔

HiComic (嗨漫画) - - ✔ - -

动漫之家 (主站) - ✔ ✔ - ✔ (这网站两个域名内容不一样 ⤵)

动漫之家 (日漫) - ✔ ✔ - ✔

阿狸漫画 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

快岸漫画 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

动漫之家 - - ✔ - -

动漫戏说 - ✔ ✔ - -

优酷漫画 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

拷贝漫画 - ✔ ✔ - -

木马漫画 - ✔ ✔ - -

漫画星球 - ✔ ✔ - -

风之动漫 - - ✔ - -

包子漫画 - - ✔ - -

乐语漫画 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

新新漫画 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

188漫画网 - - ✔ - -

古风漫画网 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

砂之船动漫家 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

Mangabz 漫画 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

Xmanhua 漫画 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

COCOMANGA 漫画 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

[小说] <

起点中文 - ✔ ✔ - -

七猫中文 - - ✔ - -

知轩藏书 - ✔ - - - (仅下载)

宝书网 - ✔ - - - (仅下载)

御书网 - ✔ ✔ - -

owLook - - ✔ - - (支持在线阅读的小说搜索引擎)

铅笔小说 - ✔ ✔ - -

无错小说网 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

读书族小说网 - - ✔ - -

哔哩轻小说 - ✔ ✔ - - (包括 手机版,轻小说,下同 ⤵)

话本小说网 - - ✔ - -

轻之文库 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

Archive of OurOwn - ✔ ✔ - ✔

精品书源 - - - - - (分享我自制自用的「阅读」APP 精品书源 1.6k+⭐)

[软件分享] <

蓝鲨 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

不死鸟 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

分享者 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

扩展迷 - ✔ - - - (浏览器扩展)

MacWK - ✔ - - ✔ (MAC 相关)

小众软件 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

乐软博客 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

果核剥壳 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

六音软件 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

反斗软件 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

微当下载 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

大眼仔旭 - ✔ - - ✔

423Down ✔ ✔ - ✔ ✔

发烧友绿软 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

异次元软件 ✔ ✔ - ✔ ✔

悪魔の小站 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

老殁殁漂遥 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

腾龙工作室 ✔ ✔ - - -

异星软件空间 ✔ ✔ - - ✔

Nite07 的小窝 ✔ - - - -

Sordum ✔ ✔ - - ✔ (国外的软件分享网站,下同 ⤵)

Winaero - ✔ - - -

LRepacks ✔ ✔ - - -

DlAndroid - ✔ - - ✔ (国外安卓 App 相关)

Winhelponline ✔ ✔ - - -

WindowsLatest ✔ ✔ - - -

TheWindowsClub ✔ ✔ - - -

[学术] <

Wiley Online Library - - - - ✔

ACS (Publications) - - - - ✔

Library Genesis - - - - ✔ (匹配所有包含 libgen 的域名)

ScienceDirect - - - - ✔

Z-Library - - - - ✔ (包括 镜像站)

PubMed - - - - ✔

X-MOL - ✔ - - ✔

维普网 - - - - ✔

科研通 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

酷科研 - - ✔ - -

小木虫 - ✔ ✔ - ✔

百度学术 - ✔ - - ✔

必应学术 (Bing) - - - - ✔

谷歌学术 (Google) - - - - ✔ 包括 镜像站1 / 2

国家自然科学基金 - - ✔ - -

[编程/技术] <

StackOverflow - ✔ - - ✔ 技术问答

SegmentFault - ✔ - - ✔

W3Cschool - ✔ - - - 编程教程

W3school - ✔ - - -

菜鸟教程 - ✔ - - -

博客园 ✔ ✔ - - ✔ 技术博客

51CTO ✔ ✔ - - ✔

Gitee - ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 开源分享

Github ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ (建议搭配我另一个 Github 增强 - 高速下载 油猴脚本~)

[资讯/科技] <

ScienceAlert ✔ ✔ - - -

果壳网 ✔ ✔ - ✔ -

蓝点网 - ✔ - - -

可能吧 ✔ ✔ - - -

超能网 ✔ ✔ - - -

IT之家 - ✔ - - -

36 氪 - ✔ - - -

[其他] <

IMDb - ✔ - - ✔

烂番茄 - ✔ - - ✔

致美化 - ✔ - - - 系统美化

蓝奏云 - ✔ - - - 网盘 (后台及分享链接列表)

新片场 - ✔ - - - 视频短片

wikiHow - ✔ - - ✔ 指南

AfreecaTV ✔ ✔ - - - 直播 (大都是韩国人)

GreasyFork ✔ ✔ - ✔ ✔ 本站

UserScript - - - - ✔ 油猴脚本的聚合搜索 (Tampermonkey 作者做的)

UserStyles ✔ ✔ - ✔ ✔

Quicker ✔ ✔ - ✔ ✔

Xposed - ✔ - - ✔

书签地球 ✔ - - - ✔

什么值得买 - ✔ - - ✔

没得比导购 - ✔ - - ✔

叽哩叽哩日报 - ✔ - - -

彼岸图网 ✔ ✔ - - - 壁纸 (下同 ⤵)

必应壁纸 ✔ ✔ - - -

动漫壁纸 - ✔ - - ✔

动漫壁纸2 - ✔ - - ✔

HDQwalls ✔ ✔ - - ✔

Nastol ✔ ✔ - - ✔

以上仅为一小部分… 持续添加中,欢迎申请~

potential useful websites:

https://greasyfork.org/en/users/sign_in?return_to=%2Fen%2Fsc…%25E6%2597%25A0%25E7%25BC%259D%25E7%25BF%25BB%25E9%25A1%25B5 debugger eval code:1:60

https://greasyfork.org/scripts/419215-%E8%87%AA%E5%8A%A8%E6%…8%87%AA%E5%8A%A8%E6%97%A0%E7%BC%9D%E7%BF%BB%E9%A1%B5.user.js debugger eval code:1:60

https://greasyfork.org/en/help/installing-user-scripts debugger eval code:1:60

https://greasyfork.org/scripts/419081-%E7%9F%A5%E4%B9%8E%E5%…E%E5%BC%BA/code/%E7%9F%A5%E4%B9%8E%E5%A2%9E%E5%BC%BA.user.js debugger eval code:1:60

https://github.com/XIU2/UserScript debugger eval code:1:60

https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/419215-%E8%87%AA%E5%8A%A8%E6%97%A0%E7%BC%9D%E7%BF%BB%E9%A1%B5/feedback#post-discussion debugger eval code:1:60

https://greasyfork.org/en/reports/new?item_class=script&item_id=419215 debugger eval code:1:60

https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/gh/XIU2/UserScript debugger eval code:1:60

https://www.discuz.net/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://www.phpbb.com/community/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://xenforo.com/community/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://demo.nexusphp.org/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://discuss.flarum.org/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://www.axiuno.com/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://www.google.com/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://cn.bing.com/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://www.baidu.com/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://www.sogou.com/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://weixin.sogou.com/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://www.toutiao.com/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://m.sm.cn/ debugger eval code:1:60

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https://searx.owlook.com.cn/ debugger eval code:1:60

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https://www.qwant.com/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://www.ecosia.org/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://goobe.io/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://magi.com/ debugger eval code:1:60

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https://www.libaclub.com/ debugger eval code:1:60

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https://rutracker.org/ debugger eval code:1:60

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https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=550&browsesort=trend&section=readytouseitems debugger eval code:1:60

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https://yuedu.xiu2.xyz/ debugger eval code:1:60

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https://iao.su/ debugger eval code:1:60

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http://www.apprcn.com/ debugger eval code:1:60

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http://www.mubolin.cn:99/ debugger eval code:1:60

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https://www.nite07.com/ debugger eval code:1:60

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https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://pubs.acs.org/ debugger eval code:1:60

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https://bing.ioliu.cn/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://konachan.net/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://anime-pictures.net/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://hdqwalls.com/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://www.nastol.com.ua/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://www.snapmail.cc/ debugger eval code:1:60

https://pan.lanzouo.com/b073l8d1e debugger eval code:1:60

https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/tampermonkey/iikmkjmpaadaobahmlepeloendndfphd?hl=zh-CN debugger eval code:1:60


Read More

Android 10 Clipboard Issue For Scrcpy


Magisk Module:

Riru - Clipboard Whitelist

will white list clipboard manager app.




scrcpy -K -S 2>&1 | python3 reader.py


import os
import subprocess
import re
class Response(object):
status = None
data = None
def parseResponse(resultString):
response = re.findall(r"^Broadcasting: Intent { flg=0x400000 cmp=ch.pete.adbclipboard/.ReadReceiver }\nBroadcast completed: result=-1, data=\"((.*\n?)+)\"$",resultString)[0][0]
return response
def readFromDevice():
adbProcess = subprocess.Popen(
'shell', 'am',
'-n', 'ch.pete.adbclipboard/.ReadReceiver'],
resultString = adbProcess.communicate()[0]
print("read device response:\n{}"
result = parseResponse(resultString.decode("utf-8"))
return result
def setClipboard(data):
with open("target.out","w+",encoding="utf-8") as f:
fetch_clipboard = "cat target.out | xclip -selection c"
while True:
content = input()
if "Calling uid 0 does not own package com.android.shell" in content:
print("!!!!!!!!!!ERROR FETCHING CLIPBOARD!!!!!!!!!!")
data = readFromDevice()
if data is not None:
# with open("target.out","wb"
# os.system(fetch_clipboard)

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Setup Gitee Ssh Keys For Gitjournal


personal ssh keys. not deploy keys under specific project settings.


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this thing is built on top of flutter, which could also be avaliable for windows. also it is free on all pro features.

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