Scrape Podcasts, Filter Keywords, Convert Voices By Gender And Pitch

voice filtering
live streaming
This article explores various methods for scraping and filtering podcasts. It discusses techniques like voice filtering by gender and pitch, live streaming, name filtering, review sorting, audio enhancement, and separating voices from music. The text also references popular platforms such as iTunes and Ximalaya FM. Additionally, it suggests using summarization or extracted keywords for advanced search capabilities. Related GitHub links are provided.

September 13, 2022

some live streaming may come into the same category of podcasts

filter out the name of the podcast volume, name of calling each others in the podcast

sort by review and feedback

enhance audio and skip slience, just like what apple voice memo app does

split voice from music, be extremely cautious to music podcasts, don’t know what to do with them unless with hands on experience


apple podcasts

apple podcasts are free.

summarize the podcast or use the keywords extracted from podcast for advanced search

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podcast review scraper
