Waydroid Installation Steps

Network issues
Wifi switch
This article provides step-by-step instructions for installing Waydroid on Ubuntu and offers troubleshooting tips for network issues. It explains how to enable firewalld or ufw to resolve connectivity problems, while also clarifying the difference between the wifi switch and its effect on connectivity.

December 21, 2023

cursed by the wall.

install waydroid package (for ubuntu)

visit and save https://repo.waydro.id/ as waydroid_init_repo.sh, https://repo.waydro.id/waydroid.gpg as waydroid.gpg (using proxy)

comment out the download part in waydroid_init_repo.sh

# curl --progress-bar --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -Sf https://repo.waydro.id/waydroid.gpg --output /usr/share/keyrings/waydroid.gpg

move waydroid.gpg to /usr/share/keyrings/waydroid.gpg

execute sudo bash waydroid_init_repo.sh to setup waydroid repository

on ubuntu you need to use proxy during apt mirror syncing.

to setup proxy (relay local proxy to host):

proxy --port <port> --host <host> \
--plugins proxy.plugin.ProxyPoolPlugin \
--proxy-pool localhost:<local_proxy_port>

to use proxy:

sudo env https_proxy=http://<host>:<port> http_proxy=http://<host>:<port> all_proxy=http://<host>:<port> apt update
sudo env https_proxy=http://<host>:<port> http_proxy=http://<host>:<port> all_proxy=http://<host>:<port> apt install waydroid -y

after installation you should comment out the mirror at: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/waydroid.list

initialize waydroid

start waydroid service: sudo systemctl enable --now waydroid-container

the download speed of sourceforge is very slow, unless you use mirror like liquidtelecom

modify the file /usr/lib/waydroid/tools/helpers/http.py

## added part
def is_sourceforge_download_url(url: str):
keywords = ["sourceforge.net", "download"]
return all([kw in url for kw in keywords])
def use_liquidtelecom_mirror(url: str):
# example: https://sourceforge.net/projects/waydroid/files/images/system/lineage/waydroid_x86_64/lineage-18.1-20231216-VANILLA-waydroid_x86_64-system.zip/download
#      ->  https://sourceforge.net/projects/waydroid/files/images/system/lineage/waydroid_x86_64/lineage-18.1-20231216-VANILLA-waydroid_x86_64-system.zip/download?use_mirror=liquidtelecom
keyword = "use_mirror=liquidtelecom"
if is_sourceforge_download_url(url):
if keyword not in url:
conn_symbol = "?" if "?" not in url else "&"
url += conn_symbol + keyword
return url
## modified part
def download(args, url, prefix, cache=True, loglevel=logging.INFO, allow_404=False):
url = use_liquidtelecom_mirror(url)

restart service: sudo systemctl restart waydroid-container

run command sudo waydroid init

run waydroid in xorg

install weston: apt install weston

configure weston at ~/.config/weston.ini


run weston, launch terminal at top left corner, run waydroid

network issue

in addition to the official guide, you also need to enable firewalld or ufw to make it work.

the wifi switch is irrelevant to network. it won’t be turned on.