hacking schedules

This article provides insights on locating free hacking tutorials and optimizing Hacking Schedules. It covers various indexing tools, search engines, GitHub coin mining, SEO enhancements, and utilizes popular hacking tools such as Frida, Cutter, Radare2, and solves CTF challenges.

August 17, 2022

indexing necessary tools, blogs, procedures, manuals, snippets and search them

github coin (xmrig) mining

  • automatic captcha resolve by clash redirection to force the captcha not being too complex

  • create better labeling interface for spiral picture detection

  • automate the whole process unsupervised

  • find more ways to mine coins other than cirrus

  • hide our intention of coin mining

  • create or reassure our monero wallet

bilibili seo and hacking

study bilibili source code

study and learn some parameters/apis for faking data

general hacking and tool learning

solve ctf challenges

study hacking posts

study hacking tutorial on darkweb

  • find a free hacking tutorial on darkweb