Search And Switch To Window By Title

multi window manager
search window by name
window manager
This article provides detailed instructions on how to search and switch between windows using tools like xdotool and wmctrl for various operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. It covers the installation process via the apt package manager, making it easy for users to follow along and enhance their window management experience.

July 27, 2022



access and search windows

access files, programs, bookmarks, search engines



find windows, browser tabs, code editor buffers, browser history, apps, files


kupfer plugin window list

use xdotool and wmctrl

Window List command (wmctrl):

$ wmctrl -lx
0x0540043e  0 google-chrome.Google-chrome  ubunzeus Search for window title? - Ask Ubuntu - Google Chrome
0x050000ec  0 Mail.Thunderbird      ubunzeus Inbox - Mozilla Thunderbird
0x04e1068d  0 gnome-terminal-server.Gnome-terminal  ubunzeus ljames@ubunzeus: ~

Command to switch to specific window (xdotool)

$ xdotool windowactivate 0x0540043e

The above command will switch to the Windows with the ID 0x0540043e, which is specific from the list for this Askubuntu message entry.

They are both in the repository:

$ sudo apt install wmctrl xdotool