How To Clone And Resize Encrypted Linux Installation

disk cloning
dd command
KDE Partition Manager
swap partition
root partition
This article guides you through the process of copying an encrypted Linux installation to a new disk. It explains how to use the ‘dd’ command in the terminal to clone the source disk to the target disk, and then resize the encrypted partition, root partition, and swap partition using either KDE Partition Manager or following a manual guide provided in the link.

July 26, 2024

copy encrypted linux install to new disk

perform a bit-by-bit clone to new disk

sudo dd if=<source_disk_device> of=<target_disk_device> bs=4M status=progress

remember to detach the old disk and enlarge the system partition on new disk

in kde partiton manager, you can resize both the encrypted partition and the root partition as well as the swap partition (install tools prompted by name)

follow the guide here to do it manually: