Sleepless In Bed 失眠治疗法

life style
work style
This article offers insights into treating insomnia by recommending various methods, including stretching exercises, adjusting diet, and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule. Additionally, it suggests using smart home technology to simulate natural light rhythms for waking up. The text also provides information on how to control lamp intensity with Arduino.

January 13, 2022

床上躺的太久 考虑伸展你的腿部 手部 拔筋

吃饭吃太多 可以用勒肚子的方法 把裤子提高一些 这样只能吃包子 煎饼之类的 不能吃大餐 哪怕饿了一晚上也不能吃

根据知乎 应该按照节律调整光照 但是在房间里只能模拟光照

在规定时间上床睡觉 确保黑暗 安静

在快起床的时候 渐进的提高光照 提高声音音量 辅助起床

属于智能家居的范畴 智能家居代码

自动调灯泡亮度 智能灯泡需要手工焊接串口转USB的板子 或者用arduino 树莓派实现

By simply working in bed, lying down or not, using pillow or not, sore ass or not, I somehow lose sleep in bed.

Don’t know how to explain, but this is simply true. I admit many people have lost their sleep in bed too, but never comfortable to do so. I am somehow better than them.