Ai Assisted Content Creation, Gameplay Video Recording, Trending Topics

AI-assisted content creation
video generation
voice cloning
upscaling/interpolation tools
content restoration techniques
image and video processing
game optimization
This article explores the advancements in AI-assisted content creation, including video generation, voice cloning, and upscaling/interpolation tools. Additionally, it delves into AI-powered content restoration techniques for image and video processing, game optimization, screen resolution adjustment, prediction models, recommendation engines, and image editing.

March 10, 2024

code to video

fishaudio voice cloning

omniparse data serialization

Video understanding and video embedding can be achieved with ViViT (in huggingface).

Video generation agent tutorial


Mini Gemini

Use enhancr for frame interpolation, super resolution and scaling. The pro version contains faster models.

The app is built using electron forge.

Interpolation gets worse with higher resolution, that’s why I wouldn’t upscale first.

enhancr is built upon the following models:


RIFE (NCNN) - megvii-research/ECCV2022-RIFE - powered by styler00dollar/VapourSynth-RIFE-NCNN-Vulkan

RIFE (TensorRT) - megvii-research/ECCV2022-RIFE - powered by AmusementClub/vs-mlrt & styler00dollar/VSGAN-tensorrt-docker

GMFSS - Union (PyTorch/TensorRT) - 98mxr/GMFSS_Union - powered by HolyWu/vs-gmfss_union

GMFSS - Fortuna (PyTorch/TensorRT) - 98mxr/GMFSS_Fortuna - powered by HolyWu/vs-gmfss_fortuna

CAIN (NCNN) - myungsub/CAIN - powered by mafiosnik/vsynth-cain-NCNN-vulkan (unreleased)

CAIN (DirectML) - myungsub/CAIN - powered by AmusementClub/vs-mlrt

CAIN (TensorRT) - myungsub/CAIN - powered by HubertSotnowski/cain-TensorRT


ShuffleCUGAN (NCNN) - styler00dollar/VSGAN-tensorrt-docker - powered by AmusementClub/vs-mlrt

ShuffleCUGAN (TensorRT) - styler00dollar/VSGAN-tensorrt-docker - powered by AmusementClub/vs-mlrt

RealESRGAN (NCNN) - xinntao/Real-ESRGAN - powered by AmusementClub/vs-mlrt

RealESRGAN (DirectML) - xinntao/Real-ESRGAN - powered by AmusementClub/vs-mlrt

RealESRGAN (TensorRT) - xinntao/Real-ESRGAN - powered by AmusementClub/vs-mlrt

RealCUGAN (TensorRT) - bilibili/ailab/Real-CUGAN - powered by AmusementClub/vs-mlrt

SwinIR (TensorRT) - JingyunLiang/SwinIR - powered by mafiosnik777/SwinIR-TensorRT (unreleased)


DPIR (DirectML) - cszn/DPIR - powered by AmusementClub/vs-mlrt

DPIR (TensorRT) - cszn/DPIR - powered by AmusementClub/vs-mlrt

SCUNet (TensorRT) - cszn/SCUNet - powered by mafiosnik777/SCUNet-TensorRT (unreleased)

Kdenlive has many video editing features, like automatic scene split, video stabilzation.

To extract existing hard-coded subtitles in videos, use videosubfinder, which is used in Cradle, an Red Dead Redemption II agent.

To check if audio is recorded, we can view amplitude instead of hearing.

ffprobe -f lavfi -i "amovie=<audio_or_video_filepath>,astats=metadata=1:reset=1" -show_entries frame=pkt_pts_time:frame_tags=lavfi.astats.Overall.RMS_level -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 -sexagesimal -v error

AI toolbox: a comprehensive content creation toolbox with links to related projects

Use streamlit to write interactive interfaces for video labeling, editing and registration, tracking viewer counts.

Grided image can be used for image selection prompting and image condensation, putting multiple images together to save processing power during tasks like video rating.

When you play video games on low end devices, you can tune down the resolution and image quality, to ensure 30 FPS.

If you change screen resolution during screen recording, you might lose your view.

Train a video grading system with recent and relevant video grades, and when evaluating put grading context into the prompt, thus generalize the system.

Get system predicted labels of video content to train a label predictor out of it, providing necessary context of test video for improving the grading system accuracy.

Taskmatrix is a multimodal agent framework suitable for multiple types of image editing, using diffusion models.

You can learn what the viewers are craving about via recommendation engines, dynamic posts and latest bangumi releases.

Post the same content across multiple platforms to increase view counts.