Favicon Hashes Creation And Usage

mmh3 library
website search
content hashing
This article explains the process of creating a favicon hash using the mmh3 library in Python. It involves making a GET request and hashing the content, which can be utilized with Shodan or ZoomEye to search for websites that have the same favicon.

May 13, 2024

To create favicon hash, run:

import requests
import mmh3
import codecs
def perform_get_request_with_insecure_and_redirects(url: str):
response = requests.get(url, verify=False, allow_redirects=True, timeout=15)
return response
def get_favicon_url(url: str):
return f"{url}/favicon.ico"
def process_url_and_get_favicon_hash(url: str):
favicon_url = get_favicon_url(url)
response perform_get_request_with_insecure_and_redirects(favicon_url)
favicon = codecs.encode(response.content, "base64")
_hash = mmh3.hash(favicon)
_hash = str(_hash)
return _hash
if __name__ == "__main__":
url = "https://www.baidu.com"
icon_hash = process_url_and_get_favicon_hash(url)
print(f"icon hash for url '{url}':", icon_hash)

You can use favicon hash in Shodan like: http.favicon.hash:<favicon_hash>

In ZoomEye like: iconhash:"<favicon_hash>"