Roll In Bed在床上翻滚

This article emphasizes the significance of avoiding extended periods of lying in bed and encourages physical movement to facilitate digestion. It highlights the discomfort caused by overeating and recommends finding a tranquil spot for relaxation post-meals. Additionally, it cautions against consuming excessive amounts at night, late-night eating habits, and alcohol intake during evening hours.

June 4, 2022

不仅要侧翻 正反颠倒 还要垫高后背的同时垫高脖子 用被子和圆枕垫高手臂 抬高小桌板

吃东西吃多了 需要到处走动而不是躺着不动 不然不消化 导致不舒服 发热

床上躺的过多 压力大 一般喜欢吃东西来减轻压力 安静的地方 人少的地方比较适合节食

适当的吃东西 不要吃太多

晚上过晚睡觉 吃东西吃太多 晚上吃东西 和喝酒类似