Access Kali On Chromebook Or Anywhere

Kali Linux
Clipboard Sharing
Command Line
This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for accessing Kali Linux on Chromebook using ttyd, x11vnc, and novnc. It includes detailed setup procedures for each tool, demonstrates novnc’s clipboard sharing feature, and offers the necessary commands to help users make the most of their experience.

December 7, 2022

setup tty

i don’t think this will work on android, but let’s see?

ttyd -p <port> -c <username>:<password> <shell_path>
# don't specify interface since that will screw things up

setup x11vnc and novnc

notice novnc has clipboard function now. share clipboard content across devices via the sidebar menu,

in reference of kali official

x11vnc is mirroring the current x11 session. i set it without password.

#retrieved from fish history
x11vnc -threads -forever

then launch novnc server

novnc  --vnc localhost:5900 --listen 10020

use this url to access from chromebook:
