Tools From Breachforums
- Invicti
Invicti is a web application security scanner hacking tool to find SQL Injection, XSS, and vulnerabilities in web applications or services automatically.
- Fortify WebInspect
It is used to identify security vulnerabilities by allowing it to test the dynamic behavior of running web applications.
- Cain & Abel
It is used to recover the MS Access passwords
- Nmap (Network Mapper)
Used in port scanning, one of the phases in ethical hacking, is the finest hacking software ever.
- Nessus
Nessus is the world’s most well-known vulnerability scanner, which was designed by tenable network security. It is free and is chiefly recommended for non-enterprise usage.
- Nikto
Checks web servers and identifies over 6400 CGIs or files that are potentially dangerous
- Kismet
Kismet is basically a sniffer and wireless-network detector that works with other wireless cards and supports raw-monitoring mode.
- NetStumbler
Identifying AP (Access Point) network configuration
- Acunetix
Integration of scanner results into other platforms and tools
- Netsparker
Uniquely verifies identified vulnerabilities, showing that they are genuine, not false positives
- Intruder
Integrates with Slack, Jira, and major cloud providers
- Nmap
Contains a data transfer, redirection, and debugging tool
- Metasploit
Ideal for finding security vulnerabilities
- Aircrack-Ng
It can crack WEP keys and WPA2-PSK, and check Wi-Fi cards
- Wireshark
Allows coloring rules to packet lists to facilitate analysis
- OpenVAS
OpenVAS has the capabilities of various high and low-level Internet and industrial protocols, backed up by a robust internal programming language.
- SQLMap
Supports executing arbitrary commands
- Ettercap
Live connections sniffer
- Maltego
Performs real-time information gathering and data mining
- Burp Suite
Uses out-of-band techniques
- John the Ripper
Tests different encrypted passwords
- Angry IP Scanner
This is a free tool for scanning IP addresses and ports
- SolarWinds Security Event Manage
Recognized as one of the best SIEM tools, helping you easily manage memory stick storage
- Traceroute NG
Detects paths changes and alerts you about them
- LiveAction
Its packet intelligence provides deep analyses
- QualysGuard
Responds to real-time threats
- WebInspect
Tests dynamic behavior of web applications for the purpose of spotting security vulnerabilities
- Hashcat
Supports distributed cracking networks
- L0phtCrack
Fixes weak passwords issues by forcing a password reset or locking out accounts
Rainbow Crack
IKECrack is an authentication cracking tool with the bonus of being open source.
- Sboxr
Checks for over two dozen types of web vulnerabilities
- Medusa
One of the best tools for thread-based parallel testing and brute-force testing
- Cain and Abel
uncovers password fields, sniffs networks, recovers MS Access passwords, and cracks encrypted passwords using brute-force, dictionary, and cryptanalysis attacks.
- Zenmap
Administrators can track new hosts or services that appear on their networks and track existing downed services