Use Tesla Gpu In Wddm Mode On Windows

Tesla GPU
WDDM mode
Registry settings
Task Manager
This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to enable WDDM mode on Windows for Tesla GPUs, enabling functions like DirectML and Vulkan. The process involves changing registry settings and restarting the computer. Users can verify if the changes were successful by checking the Task Manager and ensuring the correct GPU is selected when using Vulkan.

March 25, 2024

On Linux there is no difference between WDDM and TCC.

On Windows, all Tesla GPUs operate at TCC mode, which cannot utilize functions like DirectML, Vulkan etc.

To enable WDDM mode, you need to change the registry.

The path: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}

Find the Tesla card within 000x, change AdapterType to 1, FeatureScore to 0xd1, create DWORD GridLicensedFeatures to 7, create DWORD EnableMsHybrid to 1.

Find the iGPU within 000x, create DWORD EnableMsHybrid to 2.

Restart the computer. When you see the Tesla GPU popping up in Task manager you are all set.


nvidia-smi -g 0 -dm 0

Make sure to select the right GPU when using Vulkan.