Python Media Automation

This article discusses the use of Python for media automation, covering topic-based and breakdown approaches, adherence to standards, avoiding copyright issues with Google search, and implementing an actor-critic model for optimization and content creation.

February 10, 2022

we first see the world, get the observation and respond in the form of content. it is a feedback loop.

to search components in videos, first take screenshots then do image search, then use the keywords to get the source video.

breakdown approach:

granualize every step, showing all possibilities to get content created and then optimoze it using standards.

filter approach:

establish some topics, create topic specific approaches to arrange the content, choose the best among all topics.

are they compatible? are you sure it is modular, scalable and extensible?

for novices, they have few unpolished ideas and waiting to realize it using code. but it lacks the feedback loop and thus you are unable to change yourself according to the reaction. breakdown approach must be used to automate the optimization, and topic based approach is simple at first hand.

to avoid copyright issues search for google.

topic based approach assues the public always have something in common and thus you only search specific things at first hand. they are easy to control, static and consistent. breakdown approach is where the evolution begins.

let’s assume our topic is about pets on weibo. pets have different kinds and the content creaters are different from each other. all we do is to download and upload. we get descriptions from our viewers, video play counts and various feedback. we improve the source by our feedback, searching for more untouched contents and more mixes like video/audio crossing.

breakdown approach is demostrated first-hand with our actor-critic model. we first view all possible posts from all sources, find what’s interesting and repost it to our target platform. this is likely to be cheating. we again choose our sources, our approach of modification based on feedback. topics are generated from the very first step.

the model of interests, which generates the topic, is the key breakdown approach. we have to eventually construct a breakdown approach to boost our searches in every aspect. feedback is one of those key features. we eventually have to view the content with the machine. suggest using the breakdown approach now.

anatomy of the post:

first thing it would be postable, according to our mandatory order. it would not be taken down or banned for a long time. banning detection is required and usually simple to test against.

second it is most profitable. we only prefer those tasks which give the most output. occasionly we choose something fresh despite lower expectations.

third it would be resourceful. consistently pinning audience in a series of videos is undoubtably competitent. this can be reached by utilizing our creativity engine based on comments and imagination, realize the unrealized.

have not yet found anything systematic on giving the full detail of such automated content creation system. we only pick up those pieces. it is important to make the entire design flexible and create miniature tests to fabricate the system. like any other famous writer/director, you could only name it but not reproduce it.

hands on the approach, no matter it is inspired by anyone or anything, it is time to begin, to complete the feedback loop.

not a pipe, but a loop.

we demonstrate the loop using fake data, then the real ones. maybe the initial topic is also meant to be fake data. the real world data is too stochastic for us to imagine. better construct something specific.