Miniature Systems, 8086 16Bit Os

WASM-based emulator
Windows 2000
memory dump
Discover vintage operating systems like FreeDOS, KolibriOS, and Windows 2000 through v86, a WASM-based Rust emulator accessible in your browser. This innovative tool offers capabilities such as memory dump, save/load state, network connection, and disk access, enabling you to experience these classic systems in a modern setting.

January 28, 2024

Images used by v86 can be run using QEMU locally. Or find under:<image_filename>

Visit v86 to run systems like: FreeDOS, KolibriOS, Windows 2000 etc in browser. Image file is written in WASM. Project is in Rust.

You can have memory dump, save & load state, network connection and disk access.

Linux is most 80386 (32bit) based and does not support 80286 (16bit). If you want to use Linux in 16bit mode special kernel is required.