Understanding The Psychology Of Gaming And Its Impact On Community Formation

gaming logic
subcultures in gaming
isolation and gaming
gaming audience attraction
game elements in content
repurposing game footage
gamer demographic
This article explores the psychology behind gaming, delving into the reasons why individuals turn to games for escape from reality and how it is influenced by peers. It also examines the formation of gaming subcultures based on legitimacy and play modes. Furthermore, it highlights the isolation that gamers might experience due to game characteristics and suggests incorporating game elements in content or repurposing footage into strategies and tutorials as ways to attract this audience.

June 9, 2022

Game Player’s Logic


“Looks like you are caring about me.”

Gaming starts from dissatisfactory of the reality. Be it loneliness, anger, tirement or stress.

玩游戏都是有人引导玩的 都是因为别人玩 所以跟着玩的 固有的社交属性


跟着玩会形成流派 会在不同的区域分化 比如正版盗版 单机联机

玩家自闭的因素 是因为游戏本身的复杂性 以及封闭性 重复性 玩家变得不想考虑外界的事情 只想关心游戏本身的事情

可以把游戏相关的视频从外网搬到内网 把游戏视频搬运过来 也可以引用游戏元素 头像 吸引游戏玩家的流量 可以切分游戏剪辑视频 转化游戏攻略之类的视频和文案

sound, visual effects, scripts

Classic scenes picked from danmaku peaks.