批量扫描书 批量学习理解全流程

book scanning
batch scanning
learning books
dual-sided scanner
book binding machine
OCR recognition
latex recognition
This article discusses the process of batch scanning and learning books, including tips on cutting, scanning, binding, and storing. It also covers recognizing content using OCR and latex recognition tools, indexing, searching for content, and utilizing BM25 search and visual recognition to restore the original structure in markdown format. The article suggests adding organized data to ChatGPT or RETRO models’ pre-trained datasets.

March 6, 2023




切割 扫描 装订

切书用重型切纸机,扫描用双面批量扫描仪,扫描完毕需要用热熔胶粘书装订机装回 用卡纸做背封 用滚筒双面胶粘封面和背封的连接处

存储 识别 索引 搜索 理解

用OCR latex识别器 图片识别器(识别并分割配图) 表格识别器(分割表格)无纸化还原文档原本结构 最好用markdown表示

搜索用bm25加语义搜索 加latex识图搜索 图像识别搜索
