Download/Collect Info Of Hack Tools

package information
man command
GitHub API
package managers
search skills
programming language libraries
This article discusses different methods for accessing package information and improving search skills using tools like the ‘man’ command, GitHub API, and package managers. It also provides tips on utilizing programming language libraries to enhance your search capabilities.

December 12, 2022

what to do when chatgpt is not for everyone?

general introduction

this is about information gathering, so you might learn how to scrape AI models, AI notebooks, tutorials, code snippets from websites/search engines/social media as well.

given the name of the hack tool, you may not be able to tell what the tool is (written in python? hosted on github? online tool?) and you want to use search engine to find possible entries. you may take snapshots on these pages and index them.

if the hack tool is linked to some website/manual, you can index the website. if you find it inside some package index or package manager, you will know how to install the package.

you may miss the wiki, forum, tutorials. you know where to get them.

here are few sources where you can learn things from: where you learn hacking and hack tools

null byte in wonderhowto

you also have brew sdkman macport pkgsrc chocolatey scoop winget snap portage conda flatpak rpm urpm yum cargo dnf indexes and more to scrape. maybe it is time to improve your searching skill? (select few web domains you want to learn things from, then perform the query, still you have to deal with keywords generation and site selection)

cyborg hawx linux, backtrack linux may join the parade.

for language specific package indexs, we have hackage CPAN CRAN and more (where are package indexes for C C++ Pascal BASIC assembly lisp prolog lua and more? visit awesomeopensource then use combined topics to find package managers for c and more. you also have to monitor libraries across all package managers). just check tuna mirror site and get a view on that. you may want a network directory traversal tool akin to find in local filesystem, without downloading anything “binary” but just logging all possible urls for you to inspect. (with file size)

after all these information collecting, you must categorize them (topic modelling), retrieve info when needed (semantic searching? recommendation? dialog based GPT?). you may find many things not obviously a hack tool but in general fit well into specific needs.

with all packages being scraped, you need to deduplicate it a little bit, either by name or homepage.

case specific


repo named with “awesome” means this is a collection of handpicked resources

you will find github links on web, social media, instant messaging and forums

Scraper scrape popular github repositories every day

gitsuggest recommend github repos

How to Use the GitHub API to List Repositories

PyGithub use python to automate github api v3

if you want all README pages on github, you first need to collect all github repo urls. you may also collect info on github repos (OSINT). you can retrieve all repos link to given user with github api (quota limited). you can search github on github or search engine with some juicy/promising keywords then collect repo name, username, keywords, repeat the search.

there are few github repo archives avaliable for download. the github archive program packed many repos to arctic, the list is called Greatest Hits

gharchive provides many websites for monitoring github repos, though stopped archiving since 2016

kali, parrot

kali tool list pages

curl > kali_tools_all.html # more tags, more categories, the same as blackarch?
curl > kali_official.html
curl > pentest_tools_with_name.html

kali meta page on web

kali meta page on package index

kali package index

notice kali official “offsec” provides training courses and materials as apt packages. the list:

offsec-awae/kali-rolling 2021.1.2 amd64
Resources for OffSec's AWAE/WEB-300
offsec-awae-python2/kali-rolling 2021.1.2 amd64
Python 2 resources for OffSec's AWAE/WEB-300
offsec-exp301/kali-rolling 2021.1.2 amd64
Resources for OffSec's WUMED/EXP-301
offsec-pen300/kali-rolling 2021.1.2 amd64
Resources for OffSec's ETBD/PEN-300
offsec-pwk/kali-rolling 2021.1.2 amd64
Resources for OffSec's PWK2/PEN-200

these two OSes are for pentesting, using apt as package manager. but parrot does not provide tool introductions.

get all package names:

apt list

you can retrieve package information in apt command, like:

apt show <package_name>

you will get homepage link and package description

if you want package dependencies you will also have it.

using apt one can retrieve package infos with simple command. find main metapackages like parrot-tools-full (parrot) and kali-linux-everything (kali) first, then retrieve dependency trees.

parrotos has index.db which you can retrieve info from there, or “Packages” for general debian package index, or anything you think is metadata.


note: deprecated since v2.0, can only be used to list local packages

choco list


blackarch is based on archlinux, which has both official repo and user provided packages repo (AUR). the syntax is almost the same for pacman and yaourt to retrieve all available info of packages.

maybe you want to retrieve package information with pacman.

list all package information just like apt, description, dependencies, homepage and more.

pacman -Si

use some parser?

for aur repos, use yay or yaourt.

yaourt -Si

you may use dependencies to deduce relationship between packages, use description, man pages, wiki, manual and tutorials to understand the usage of packages.

download main blackarch tool list:

curl > tools.html


alpine linux is able to download man page alone without installing package

apk list -I | sed -rn '/-doc/! s/([a-z-]+[a-z]).*/\1/p' | awk '{ print system("apk info \""$1"-doc\" > /dev/null") == 0 ? $ "-doc" : "" }' | xargs apk add


i remember you have scraped tsinghua pypi index, containing many python tools.

retrieve python package info as json:<package-name>/json

visit pypi simple index to get all package names. but the info is clearly on the other page. you retrieve this from pypi. use the below commandline tool?

pypi [information|description] <package_name>

documentation url is provided separately from mainpage.

commandline tool for searching in pypi

install it, then run:

pypi search <query>

it also provides “read-the-docs” to search in documentation of a package, detailed info


we can search in cli tool (not dotnet nuget (installed with dotnet sdk) but nuget (installation guide)) and web interface.

list all packages:

nuget list

get package information:

nuget list <packageName> -Verbosity detailed

query all package information without nuget

the web interface seems allowing us to do some traversal on the parameter:<pagenum>&sortBy=relevance

keep in mind the pagenum cannot be too big (like 2000).


there are tools for interacting with maven search api.

you can retrieve “pom.xml” to get package info like homepage and description.

maven central has archtype-catalog for retrieving all avaliable artifact names

maven search tools:




reading the source code and according to brew api docs i found this url is for retrieving all formula info on brew index, and this for casks.

also run this command for showing local cached package infos:

brew info --json --all


there’s a repo storing up-to-date package names on github. after that, use npm-description to download description for every package.

all-the-package-repos contains repo information (github, gitlab) of every npm package


change gem sources first:

gem sources --add --remove

gem list -r really works. you just have to wait.

gem info -r list all remote gem infos, but too slow and not working, use only one package at a time.


you can download man pages before installing package

use “dman” by bikeshed (not avaliable on kali, maybe on ubuntu?)

apt-get install bikeshed

or browse manpages on web, tutorials on linux and languages

man pages with different sections (categories)

hierachical manpages of ubuntu

dman for ubuntu man pages

location of locally installed man pages: /usr/share/man

vscode plugin

web interface for searching