Common Nmap Flags

Port scanning
TCP Connect Scan
UDP Scan
Port specification
Open ports
OS detection
Script scanning
Timing templates
This article explains common Nmap flags used for port scanning, including TCP SYN Scan, TCP Connect Scan, UDP Scan, and Port Specification. It also covers how to utilize these flags to detect open ports and customize scan speed/aggressiveness with options for OS detection, script scanning, and timing templates.

May 8, 2024

Typically, if one wants to detect port somehow dropped by cloud service providers like AWS, the flag -sS or SYN stealth scan shall be enough.

Further info can be collected once the port has been confirmed open.

  1. -sS (TCP SYN Scan):
  1. -sT (TCP Connect Scan):
  1. -sU (UDP Scan):
  1. -p (Port Specification):
  1. -A (Aggressive Scan):
  1. -O (Enable OS Detection):
  1. -v (Verbose Output):
  1. -T (Timing Template):
  1. -O (Output to File):