Controlling Computers With Hardware Operations And Software Tools: A Comprehensive Guide

computer control
hardware operations
software tools
USB Gadget
OTG cables
This article explores the process of controlling computers using hardware operations and software tools. It covers various applications and methods, such as CyberTron, Larq, USB Gadget with OTG cables, Taiwan data cables, scrcpy, HID instructions, power management, Deep Freeze or Live CD mechanisms, and Python wrappers for usb-gadget.

July 27, 2023


bubogpt has attached many spacial adaptors, which may help controlling computers

use larq for low-end neural network training.


game playing/live streaming



virtual worker

digital life

high level self-replication: ideology reconstruction

self-consciousness (internal mirror)

based on low-level self-replication

install snapshot-free oses to eliminate data corruption and save time from rolling back to previous state when running virtual machines, or use docker containers with xfs support.

perform responsiveness check by interval, using some deterministic responses or commands (something (different) must happen because of something)


you may configure pixel format (jpeg for fast computation) when using different capture cards

为了通用一般用专门的硬件键鼠模拟器 或者带OTG的RPi模拟键鼠 接收操控方电脑的指令 输出HID信号


For recent raspbian you only need to turn on overlay switch in system configuration. (do not use other tools, since they will interfere)

For debian-like distros (ubuntu) you can use bilibop-lockfs or fsprotect (install/enable aufs-dkms or overlay filesystem before that)

For linux that is set to run in ram (tinycore linux), you can use it as-is, but it may oom so quick that you have to abandon it.

stackoverflow 提到可以用蓝牙进行鼠标键盘模拟 (requires extra setup)


Use USB Gadget with OTG cables.


RPi4支持OTG(通过USB-C供电接口) micro HDMI需要转接

scrcpy –otg 可以识别周边设备 发送HID指令

定时开关机电源线 加类似于Deep Freeze或者Live CD机制 使得电脑可以接收任意操作而不崩溃

python usb-gadget wrapper