Object Tracking, Video

object tracking
OpenCV algorithms
Meanshift algorithm
CAMshift algorithm
Optical Flow
video processing
detection overlap
This article delves into the topic of object tracking in videos and explains different algorithms like Meanshift, CAMshift, and Optical Flow from OpenCV. It also emphasizes identifying objects before tracking and recommends not starting new processes if detection overlaps. The text provides detailed explanations of each algorithm for further exploration.

September 17, 2022

video QA: https://github.com/OpenGVLab/InternVideo

https://github.com/jingvsai/YOLOv8-GUI with bytetrack, deepsort

identify the object first, then do tracking.

if detection overlaps with object, then do not launch new tracking process.

OpenCV Meanshift Algorithm for Object Tracking

OpenCV CAMshift Algorithm for Object Tracking

OpenCV Optical Flow Algorithm for Object Tracking

OpenCV Object Detection and Tracking