Android Packet Capture

packet capture
SSL pinning
Frida scripts
JustTrustMe Xposed
SSLUnpinning Xposed
HTTP proxy
This article explores Android packet capture methods, including disabling SSL pinning and utilizing tools like Frida scripts, JustTrustMe Xposed, SSLUnpinning Xposed, apk-mitm, or PCAPdroid-API. Additionally, it provides step-by-step instructions for setting up an HTTP proxy via ADB.

November 4, 2022

disable ssl pinning

use frida scripts specific to applications

justtrustme xposed

sslunpinning xposed

apk-mitm by repacking apk and resigning

capture, packet routing

recommend to use: PCAPdroid-API

PCAPdroid API reference

adb shell am start -e action start -e pcap_dump_mode udp_exporter -e collector_ip_address -e collector_port 5123 -e app_filter com.tencent.mobileqq -n com.emanuelef.remote_capture.debug/com.emanuelef.remote_capture.activities.CaptureCtrl

setting up http proxy via adb:

# this does not ensure that the target app is captured.
adb shell settings put global http_proxy <address>:<port>