The Kali Command On Macos

host discovery
remote control
system manage
This article provides a comprehensive guide on troubleshooting Kali Linux on MacOS, covering various topics such as offline debugging, utilizing Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks to improve connection speed, using dynamic connectors, storing Redis values, and setting the Redis working directory to optimize disk space utilization.

August 11, 2022


when kali is off, this mac will go crazy and hang everything.

need to scan for kali existance on demand, not all the time.


should we use p2p networks to speed up remote connections like n2n or tinc?

would it be interesting to run all our kali connectors ranged from vscode-ssh-connect, rclone mount and direct ssh connection via kali command dynamically by our kali discovery service, if we can reload the nginx daemon on demand.

using redis to store some daemon reported values.

how about we set the workding directory of redis-server to /tmp so that the dump.rdb file will never take space after reboot?

we need to know if this will successifully launch after reboot since /tmp may not exist by that time

default redis server port: 6379

install redis-server service:

easyd -w /tmp -l redis_server -- /opt/homebrew/bin/redis-server

first value is online.

next value is kali_ip.

using both value to determine whether to connect to kali or not, and the exact address.